B2B healthcare marketing

Best 4 Step guide to hiring a B2B healthcare marketing agency

Hiring a B2B healthcare marketing agency

can be a great way to target your ideal clients, convert leads, and grow your business seamlessly. However, finding the right agency for you and your company can be a daunting task. The following guide will walk you through the steps to hire a B2B marketing agency that’s prepared to boost your business efforts in the healthcare space.

  1. Determine Your Objectives

Before researching or reaching out to any agencies, you need to start by clearly defining what your marketing objectives are for your company. Do you need help developing your brand from the ground up? Reaching a broader audience? Maybe implementing a social media campaign?

Whatever your needs are, it’s critical that you have a solid understanding of what you’re hoping to accomplish before partnering with a B2B marketing agency in the healthcare space. You don’t necessarily need to know how these goals will be reached (the marketing agency will help with that), but you need to know what they are. Doing so will allow you to make an informed decision about which agency to work with and help you better communicate your objectives when you decide.

Partnering with a B2B marketing agency in the healthcare field can be a sizable investment for your company; you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of that investment by taking the time to think through the purpose of that partnership before it even begins.

  1. Find an Agency That Specializes in the Healthcare Field

Once you’ve finished defining your objectives, you can start looking for agencies that specialize in the healthcare space. It’s important to note here that there are countless full-service marketing agencies out there that work in various industries. However, there are several reasons why seeking an agency that almost exclusively does healthcare marketing is the best strategy.

First, healthcare marketing agencies will better understand the current challenges and relevant information relating to the complex medical landscape. They’ll not only know who your target audience is, but they’ll come with the expertise necessary to get in front of them.

Most importantly, these agencies will be well-versed in the rules and privacy regulations of marketing in the healthcare field. As a result, you can have peace of mind knowing that they will follow best practices when it comes to marketing your company to your clients.

  1. Figure Out the Value They Offer

Once you’ve found a few B2B healthcare marketing agencies to choose from, you can start vetting them by examining what sort of value they bring to the table. If they aren’t specific enough about their value proposition from the start, you should probably move on.

It’s not enough for an agency to simply promise that they are “great at marketing” on their website. Instead, they should be transparent about the specific services they provide and how those services deliver tangible results. The very best agencies will make it clear on their websites that they are results-oriented and prioritize value-driven marketing.

If you’re investing your company’s money into a partnership with a B2B marketing agency, you are most likely going to be expecting some return on this investment. Therefore, ensure that the agency you are pursuing is direct about the specific value they will bring to your company and how.

  1. Ask Relevant Questions

Finally, after you’ve narrowed in on an agency or two, you should develop a list of questions to ask them that are relevant to your goals and objectives. Great marketing agencies will be both willing and eager to answer your questions about working together.

Some of these questions could include:

  •   What sort of projects have you worked on in the past?
  •   Do you have experience with companies like ours?
  •   Do you have any case studies of delivered results for reference?
  •   How do you measure success?
  •   What does your process look like overall?

When drafting these questions, be thoughtful about what you are most concerned with or need further explanation. Once you’re satisfied with an agency’s answers, you should then be ready to begin your partnership together!

Hiring a B2B marketing agency can be a big decision that involves multiple considerations for your company. However, following these four steps should help ensure that you find an agency equipped to meet your specific healthcare marketing initiatives and goals.

Ready to ask us the questions? We have the answers. Schedule a call with one of our experts, and let us show you why we are leaders in healthcare marketing.

Time to consider a redesign?

how to reinvigorate your B2B healthcare websites

The average B2B healthcare website is only about four years old. Like most of your competitors, you want to refresh your site to appeal to your audience and be more effective.

Are you ready to redesign your B2B Healthcare Website? We can help.

Our talented team has the knowledge and experience to build a beautiful, robust, functional, and budget-sensitive site to meet your brand’s needs. We are dedicated to growing healthcare brands. If you are ready to start building your new lead-generating machine, let’s connect.


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  1. Think with Google. (n.d.). Page load time statistics. [online] Available at: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/marketing-strategies/app-and-mobile/mobile-page-speed-new-industry-benchmarks-load-time-vs-bounce/ [Accessed 10 Feb. 2022].

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